Friday, April 28, 2017

Good Month!

Eli has had a great month! This is the first month in a LONG time that he has not vomited and has been relatively healthy!!! Because of this, we are starting to see amazing gains. Eli is definitely getting stronger and doing better at tummy time. He is also starting to wiggle and move more on the floor. He loves music, bouncing, and dancing! He also LOVES this nice weather we've had... He could live outside if we let him!

Our nutritionist has been a great resource this month helping us with his tummy pains, constipation, and trying new/ more food. As of this week, Eli is officially one of the few 1-year-olds on a DIET! ;) He has been gaining so much weight this month that we don't want to start hurting his other therapies (PT/ OT) or limit his strength/ movement gains. His "diet" will be starting to do more food by mouth for calories and less formula through the G-tube! We are very excited for this change because Eli has been liking taking purees by mouth, and we'd love for him to start to wean off of G-tube feeds.

A few weeks ago, Eli enjoyed his second Easter. It was a wonderful weekend at church and then being with family. Eli got to meet his cousins from out West and loved meeting his younger second cousin, Amelia!

Eli had a 24-hour EEG in the hospital on Monday/ Tuesday this week (4/24-4/25) and it went WELL! He is still seizure free since the beginning of November (the only time he had seizures was the 3 days in the beginning of Nov). Our neurologist was able to compare this EEG to his last EEGs, and he saw progress in that there are more organized patterns and faster patterns than the EEGs before. Eli still has some pattern changes that make him at risk for seizures, but we are NOT looking at an epilepsy disorder and this is something he should grow out of. Because of all this good news, we are starting to lower his last seizure medication... he will do another (shorter) EEG to update on progress after the slow 8 week lowering medication schedule... and then can maybe start looking at removing him completely off of this last medicine. God is good!

Psalms 145: 18-21 "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them. The Lord preserves all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever.